Die Provinz von Teramo organisiert Ausflüge mit einem G.T.-Bus und Reiseleiter. Mit einem Tagesausflug kann man auch L’Aquila, Assisi, Cascia, San Giovanni Rotondo und Rom erreichen. Von Giulianova fahren täglich sechs Linienbusse nach Rom.
Die beliebtesten Ausflüge der malerischen Abruzzen in der Gegend von Teramo sind:
Teramo, name of the city capital and the of the province, is at the midway between the beautiful Adriatic coast and the fascinating mountains. The Romans called it "Interamnia" that is city between rivers, as it is crossed by the TORDINO and the VEZZOLA rivers. The mosaico del Leone, placed inside the homonymous Domus, represent the most beautiful Roman period's work of art. A few metres far away you can project yourself directly into the early Middle Ages and the visit the Duomo-the Dome, built in 1158. The Duomo or Cattedrale di San Berardo (the city patron saint) is the symbol of Teramo.

It was a Roman colony; Afer the fall of the Roman Empire, Atri suffered the barbarian invasions and numerous foreign dominations. It reached its highest splendour under the Acquaviva's domination. Its religous symbol is the Cattedrale di Santa Maria Assunta, built in 1825 and been restored recently. Another city symbol is the majestic Palazzo Ducale degli Acquaviva the present Town Hall.

A city of art Campli shows a magnificent centre, which has kept its medieval urban structure untoched. Other symbols of the town are Palazzo Farnese (the present Town Hall) and the Cattedrale di Santa Maria in Platea. You can't miss the Chiesa di San Paolo with its Scala Santa, th Chiesa di San Francesco nex to a monastery which hosts the Museo Archeologico. Out of the historical centre, in the open countryside, you can visit the beautiful Romanesque styled Chiesa di San Pietro in Campovalano, built in eighth century, and the necropolis situated in the plain of Campovalano.
A medieval village at the foot of Monte Camicia, Castelli is defined "the town of ceramics". Still today, along its picturesque streets, you can find and visit the ceramist's artistan workshop from Castelli. Other very interesting places to sightsee are the Museo della Ceramica and the Chiesa di San Donato, whose ceiling was defined as "the Sistine Capel of the Italian Majolica" by Carlo Levi.

Civitella del Tronto
The Bourbon Fortress of Civitella del Tronto is surly represents on of the symbols of the province of Teramo. he fortress attracts you with its enviable panoramic position, its squares, its bastions and communication trenches, and with its close Museum of Arms, trough which its history is narrated. Out of the walls there are the Romanesque styled Santuario di Santa Maria dei Lumi and the Abbazzia of Montesanto. A little way out of the city you can sightsee the suggestive Gole del Salinello a preserved area with the Eremo of San Michele Arcangelo.

Colonnella Regina im Val Vibrata
Ein anmutiges Dorf in privilegierter Position, von der man die Adria-Küste von San Benedetto del Tronto bis nach Pescara überblicken kann. Es wird wegen der Großartigkeit und Schönheit der zum historischen Zentrum führenden Treppe "Piazza di Spagna d’Abruzzo" (Spanischer Platz der Abruzzen) genannt.

Das Gebirge Gran Sasso d’Italia
Bedarf keiner besonderen Vorstellung. Es wird "Il gigante che dorme" (Der schlafende Riese) genannt, denn von der Ebene gesehen sieht die Bergkette wie das Profil eines großen schlafenden Mannes aus. Mit seinem 2912 Meter hohen Corno Grande tritt es in Wettstreit mit dem höchsten Gipfel der Apenninen.

Il Santuario di San Gabriele Patrono d'Abruzzo.
Mit seinen 12.000 Plätzen empfängt es jedes Jahr Millionen von Pilgern vor allem aus dem südlichen Mittelitalien. Es ist ein Zeugnis der modernen Stilrichtungen religiöser Architektur. Auch das antike Santuario kann besichtigt werden.

An ancient Roman settlement, Castrum Novum changed its name into Castel San Flaviano in Patriarch of Constantinople's honour. After having suffered numerous sacks and raids by the Saracens, Giulianova was rebuilt in the late fourteenth century by Duke Giuliantonio Acquaviva. Besides the beauty of its historical centre, Giulianova can boast a library and museum first class-class system. Some very beautiful places to visit are: the Santuario della Madonna dello Splendore, the Medieval torrione "Il Bianco" and the Chiesa di San Flaviano, which dominates all the town with its cupola. Mehr Informationen.